Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Sustainer Of Blessings

All good things - including physical health and the skills needed to earn a living - are blessings from the hand of our loving God. Even when we've worked hard, it's He who sustains us. Oh, to hold our blessings with open hands, that we may gratefully praise God for His kindness to us!

Thank You, Father for sustaining me every moment.  


Protect Your Heart

God's instructions guide us through life, steering us away from poor decisions and teaching us where to focus our attention.

If we armor our heart by heeding His instructions, we'll better keep our feet from evil and remain steadfast on our journey with God. We venture into enemy territory every day, but with God's wisdom guarding our hearts, we can stay focused on our mission to live well for God's glory.

God, please protect my heart from the threats against it. I hide myself in You.  

Saturday, August 17, 2024

New Vision

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 

God, speaking through the Prophet Isaiah, knew that the Israelites stuck in Babylonian captivity would need a new prescription - and a new view. He told them. I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the wilderness. And His message of hope included the reminders that He had created them, redeemed them and would be with them. You are mine, He encouraged them.

In whatever you're facing today, the Holy Spirit can provide better vision for you to put the old behind you and look for the new. By God's love, it's popping up all around you. Can you see what He's doing in the midst of your pain and bondage? Let's put on our new spiritual glasses to see the new that God is doing even in our wilderness moments.

God of new beginning, Thank You for all Your Promises. Help me to see the new that You bring about even in my wilderness moments.  

Rescue Mission

The Psalmist David understood the pains of being weighted down with heavy burdens, feeling forgotten and lost & desperate for a rescue mission. In Psalm 38 - David cried out to God. He had experienced isolation, betrayal and helplessness. Still he prayed with confidence - Lord, I wait for You, You will answer, Lord my God. 

David didn't deny his predicament or minimize his inner turmoil and physical ailments. Instead he trusted that God would be near and answer him at the right time and in the right way.

When we feel weighted down by physical, mental or emotional burdens - God remains committed to the rescue mission He planned from the day He created us. We can count on His presence when we cry out to Him - Come quickly to help me, my Lord and my Savior.    

Daily Dependence

In human terms, children are meant to grow from dependence to independence. But in our relationship with God, maturity means moving from independence to dependence on Him. Prayer is where we practice such dependent ways. When Jesus taught His disciples - and all of us who have come to believe in Him - to pray - Give us today our daily bread, He was teaching a prayer of dependence. Bread is a metaphor for sustenance, deliverance and guidance. We're dependent on God for all that and more. 

There are no self-made believers in Jesus and we'll never graduate from His Grace. Throughout our lives, may we always begin our day by taking the posture of dependence as we pray to our Father in heaven.

Dear Jesus, You're my Creator and my Sustainer. Please help me to trust in You.  

A Labor Of Love

There are times when we'll be overlooked, devalued or unappreciated by those around us. Biblical wisdom reminds us - however, that when God has called us to task, we shouldn't focus on gaining worldly approval and recognition but should instead work at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord.

When we focus on serving God, we're able to accomplish even the most difficult tasks with fervor and gladness in His power and leading. We can then become less concerned with receiving earthly recognition and become more eager to receive the award only He can provide.  

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Enjoy The Gift Of Rest

Dear Heavenly Father, You have been watching over me since the day I was born, and continuously showered me with Your grace and favor at every stage of my life. 

Thank you for this season of rest which gives me more time to myself and my loved ones. 

Lord, please instill in me a spirit of peace and joy so that I can learn to enjoy Your gift of rest and tranquility and to be kind to myself. Help me to grow closer to You, for I want to have more intimate relationship with You. 

Pursuing Healthy Interest


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for filling my life with the fullness of Your grace and showering me with Your many blessings!

As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I ask that You will guide me and help me to make good use of the strength, energy and time that You have given me. 

Whether it is pursuing new goals and aspirations, acquiring new knowledge and skills, helping our people in need or connecting with friends, may all my thoughts, words and actions glorify Your name.

Please continue to bless me in this season of my life, that I may enjoy an abundant and meaningful life, and also become a blessing to all those I meet. 

Pouring Out My Innermost Fears

Dear Heavenly Father, as I encounter various trials and the ups & downs of life, I thank You that I can always pour out my innermost thoughts and feelings to You.

Though others might expect me to be able to overcome my challenges with the wisdom and experience of age, there are times when I feel overwhelmed. Inside, I feel weak, scared and helpless. But I often find it hard to admit this, and to reveal my innermost fears to others.

In such times, O God, I turn to You! You are my refuge in the storm and I know that You, loving Father, are always ready to listen to me. I come boldly into Your presence to bring every fear, every thought, every worry to You. Please grant me strength.  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Treasuring The Present

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the breath of life every day, including today.

Though I may weep in the night, I can rejoice in the morning, for Your grace and mercies are new every morning. Teach me to leave the past behind and to focus on the present, that I may cherish what You give me today and experience fully the grace that comes from You every single day.

O Heavenly Father, I want to thank You, for Your faithfulness is great and Your grace is forever! Even when I am in the midst of life's challenges, I know I can trust You, for You will guide me and grant me favor. Therefore, I will not fear nor be discouraged, but be joyful and enjoy the peace that You bring.