Sunday, April 27, 2014


Ursula asked me – is buying stocks worth a total of USD180K a lot? I know that amount is not coming from Shawn, Gerrard or Sabrina’s department. For sure, it comes from the Auto/DIY category. Probably, The General throws the question to Ursula or is questioning on Ursula's buying judgement. I hope Ursula is not in trouble with The General again. Even Barry pointed out that The General favors both Marcus & Leonardo very much. Because Barry is not being favored by The General, that is why Barry got the transfered. Celtic thinks that Marcus will be the next GM because The General has given Marcus opportunities after opportunities to perform in the division.

My answer stuns Ursula. I ask Ursula back – is your current stock level healthy? Is your current stock level correlate with the department sales? I told Ursula, looking at my current sales situation, my stock value should be at RM12 million or less, but now the stocks figures is stacking up to RM15 million which is not healthy at all. In the end, Ursula did not mention to me which department, only stated that everything is healthy and on the right track – then I mention, if that is the case – ok lah :) Celtic said, maybe this Ursula is testing me...whether I dare or not to answer her back and also to see how good I am in articulating my views.

Ursula also shared with me that the new in-coming CEO is most likely to look into our stock value, tackle the fresh department and re-manage the marketing department.

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