Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Inheritors

I think I have said too much :( Things that I should not have said; especially to a SCM. Ursula called me on the phone.

Ursula: I heard that you friend is leaving.
Me: Yup.
Ursula: No turning back?
Me: Nope.
Ursula: When is your turn?
Me: Wah…you see your ex-staff like that one meh.
Ursula: Hahaha. I’m very tired J___.
Me: The survival of the whole division right now, is really depending on the 3 of you all. The 3 of you all need to be united more than ever. You all need each other more than ever. Otherwise, the whole division will collapse. Your weakness is compensated by their strength. Their weaknesses are compensated by your strength. Barry; for sure will follow Marcus. It is now, whether you are a team player or not.
Ursula: Yeah…we are trying to synchronize everything together right now…in a sense like in delivering the figures and the explanations.

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