Monday, November 02, 2015

Bike Polo

Weird Conversations:

(1) During the farewell party for Linda, Clara, Wayne & Naz at Glenmarie Golf & Country Resort…which I have left earlier…Marcus was still hanging around…Marcus overheard Alice…conversing with Christy…Alice was trying to convince Christy to transfer to the Stationery Department. I told Marcus – no way that it will happen. I am very sure Ramly have told Christy a lot of bad things about Alice…if Christy is wise enough…Christy will not ask for the transfer. Marcus said – you never know…Christy may have issue with Ursula.

(2) Then, during the party itself…Ursula did ask me whether I want to join her or not…for the second time…but did not mention which category…I only mention – do I have a choice now.

(3) Lately…there are also rumors that Shawn has also tendered. I did ask Ursula about it. Ursula did not say Yes or No…only mention…don’t ever feel threaten with such an issue because she knows how to manage the business. Bravo!

Will I have a second chance on my transfer?

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