Monday, October 03, 2016


I moved into a new work station…my new place…I’m sitting at Mrs. Simon’s old cubicle…meaning that I am no longer sitting next to Celtic but in front of Celtic…also meaning that I will have my peace and quiet…Wayne is sitting at my old place now…I know…I am so bad…I have bad intentions here…I hope Wayne see what I see everyday…meaning seeing what is Celtic doing every day. Which is not working…hahaha…but semenjak I move out and Wayne moves in…Celtic is kind of more hardworking than usual…I don’t know what triggers it…maybe it was Stewart who kept on chasing Celtic to finish off everything…let’s see how it goes…because I think that Celtic is such a capable person and that laziness or whatever that is making Celtic lazy or de-motivated or feel like not working should not surface at all. But the saddest part is this…I can no longer steal glances at MT. Sigh…

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