Saturday, March 25, 2017

Healthcare’s Uber

Bason @ Section 9 >> dinner catch up with S & Guna…man, it have been so so long…S’s daughter is already 5 years old this year…that means I have not met up with S for 5 years already. Nonetheless, we have not lost for words, we can still talk and talk and talk…I listen, I don’t get too judgmental, I laugh, I join in the banter, I throw in some pearls of wisdom, I add my own entertaining story into it…hahaha…ohh, it was just a very nice evening for the 3 of us. I also drop by at S’s house, met up with her parents, her maternal grandmother, her younger brother and her adorable daughter. They are a decent, strong and safe-guarding type of family. And I am always comfortable being part of them :)

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