Saturday, January 11, 2014


The other day, Paige, Celtic & myself order lunch. Paige also helps Ursula to take the orders as well. Then the orders were cancel because Baldwin volunteers to take us out for Nasi Beriyani lunch. Then I quickly ask Paige, is Ursula coming with us…then this Paige smile cheekily and replied back that she knows, that Celtic & I will not come if Ursula joins us. Paige said that Ursula is not joining us. What a relief :) In the end, there was Baldwin, Madeleine, Paige (who belanja us the lunch) & myself heading out. On the way there – Paige watsapp Ursula on what she wants to eat so Paige can tapau back for her. Ursula watsapp back – I saw you dating with J___, going to Tesco to survey as well. I was stunned. Gulp…how did Ursula know that I was heading out with Paige? She even knows where we are going. It proves something here. I thought that the people who are sitting outside don’t know anything, but they in fact actually knew everything. There are people who take notice of my every movement. And Ursula is one of them. OMG! When we got back from lunch, twice Ursula perli me, for not inviting her to tag along, lucky that she have her lunch buddy (Paige) to tapau for her etc. Ursula revealed she knew where we are heading to because the only good place for Nasi Beriyani is in Tesco Shah Alam. We are so predictable, according to her. Cheh.

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