Sunday, March 01, 2015


The way Marcus breaks the below news to me was the same way that Ursula does it.
Deja Vu…

Marcus also shares some information with me:

(1) Amelia will be back in April. Amelia used to hold the same position as Celtic, before Celtic joined G13. Amelia will be on board and will be the SCM, taking over from Leonardo’s place. Now, this is where things get a little bit more interesting because everyone thought that Madeleine will be the one that will moves up.

(2) Marcus is unsure about Marcus position. Marcus told me that Mr. Horton wants to promote Marcus but it seems that Mr. Horton is unable to convince the CEO to do so.

(3) I wish Marcus all the best. There is no way out for Marcus now except to move up. If Marcus doesn’t move up…then Marcus is out from the game. Checkmate.

(4) Marcus also have to be promoted because it will bring balance to the power. Otherwise, there will be a shift in the equilibrium. 2 English vs. 2 G13. I believe Marcus will be fair enough.

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