Sunday, July 19, 2015

Radiant Angel

Ok…let me see…if I can get the chronology correctly…

(1) Tommy tendered resignation.

(2) Maximoff tried to recruit someone from the English…but apparently…the candidate rejected…this info…Tommy kepo with me after Tommy left G13.

(3) So, assuming both Miguel & Maximoff decides to promote Alice. They may have asked Tommy’s opinions and Tommy may have given them the green light as well.

(4) So…assuming that Alice have already been promoted before Tommy left…meaning that Tommy already knew about it then…

(5) After Tommy left…I did WatsApp Tommy…first thing that Tommy ask me was who is the new boss?

(6) Then…Pietro starts to received Miguel’s email…in all of the emails…all Cc to Alice. But I tak kena lah.

(7) Something is wrong somewhere…

(8) I did ask Tommy about it…Tommy did ask me to ask Alice or Miguel directly. No point in guessing & speculating.

(9) Then…the promotion news was announced.

(10) Marcus asks me how I feel…whether I will leave or not…Marcus also feel that Alice got promoted earlier on…just by her actions…

(11) Ainul also have a feeling that Alice got the promotion earlier on…apparently one day…when Maximoff wants to make the announcement to us that Tommy will be resigning in Maximoff’s room…which Tommy did not attend the meeting…Alice came and call Pietro & me…Ainul feel the way that Alice call us was like how a manager call her troops…

(12) Madeleine, Paige, Marcus & the MFT Director – all ask how I feel…nope…I am not going to say a single word. But for sure…if I do leave…I will leave because of Alice. There is no longer a reason for me to stay. Last time…Tommy was around…where I can learn lots…now nothing…even with Miguel & Maximoff around…no point…as I don’t report directly to them. I just felt that with both Marcus & Tommy…too short a time frame…wasted…can’t unlock the treasures in them.

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