Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Confidence In God’s Care

It is confidence that God is able and that His ability guarantees that His purposes will ultimately be accomplished. It is confidence that in our God we can find help.

When we go to the Lord in prayer, we find Him more than sufficient for the heartaches, challenges, disappointments and pains of life. We can trust in that because our trust is in Him. And that trust is key – because trust is the opposite of worry!

Instead of fear or doubt or worry or anxiety, we go to God in prayer with confidence that He is more than enough for whatever we are facing. God cares deeply for our hurts and He is able to do something about them – but always according to His purposes. And while He may seem silent in our seasons of struggle, He is not removed from them.

We can have confidence in this – God does care and He is able, even when we suffer and don’t understand why. When His ways don’t make sense, we rest in the love and power He displayed on the cross, because that cross is the ultimate and undeniable evidence that He does care about us and that He is able to do something about our shame and sin and despair and pain.

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