Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Unlighted Paths

The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

After Moses’s death, Joshua inherited leadership of the Israelites and was charged to take God’s chosen people into the Promised Land. Despite his divine commission, Joshua must have felt challenged by the daunting nature of his tasks. God graciously offered Joshua assurance to be with him on the journey ahead.

The road of life often travels through uncharted territory. We voyage through seasons when the path ahead isn’t clearly visible. God’s plan may not always be apparent to us, but He has promised to be with us – always, to the every end of the age. What greater assurance could we hope for, no matter what uncertainty or challenge we might face? Even when the path is unlit, the Light is with us.

Lord, thank You for being near me even when I cannot see You. Please comfort me with Your presence.

God is with us even when we can’t see Him.

…I will power through the Master Calendar project…don’t care if both Uncle Andy & Mr. Horton’s Secretary is very negative about it…don’t care if Marcus is like acuh tak acuh like that…don’t care if there are certain people who is not supportive of it…

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