Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trust Your Armor

We don't get the impression that David the young shepherd was unsure of himself when it came to wearing Saul's' armour to fight Goliath. He simply couldn't move around in it. David realized one man's armor can be another man's prison. I cannot move in these. So he trusted what he knew. God had prepared him for that moment with just what was needed. The sling and stones were what David was used to, his armor and God used them to bring joy to the ranks of Israel that day.

Have you ever felt unsure of yourself, thinking - if I just had what someone else has, then my life would be different? Consider the gifts or experiences God has given specifically to you. Trust your God-given armor.

Sovereign God, at times it's easy to feel unsure of myself, especially in situations where challenges feel like giants. Help me to trust that You've given me just what I need. You've crafted my life's story.

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