Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Long Way

It's all coming together now...I think...I join G13 as a Trade Planner...Marcus resign...the process that I am going through...Christopher is in the this what I am thinking God?

If this is God's plan for me, I'll just do my job well.

The shortest way isn't always the best.

Sometimes God let us take the longer route in life, whether it's in our career or other endeavors, so that we'll be better prepared for the journey ahead.

When things don't seem to happen quickly enough, we can trust in God - the One who leads and guides us.

Loving God, You know how I feel when things don't seem to happen quickly enough. Grant me the patience to trust in You and in Your sovereign plan & purpose. 

Doing Our Role

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as Faithful Stewards of God's grace.

The ones who do vital but not-so-high-profile work.

If others get roles we desire, may we choose to encourage them even as we passionately fulfill the roles God has given us.

God will not forget your work.

And no gift from His hand is unimportant.

Sovereign God, help me not to focus on other roles, but to serve You in the sacred calling You've given me. Enable me to help others by a word of encouragement for what they do for You. 

People Forget

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way.

God's faithfulness continues through all generations. 

Whenever we find ourselves forgetting, we can think about the ways He's answered our prayers, and that reminds us of His goodness & faithful promises.

Dear Father, thank You for always being faithful. Help me to trust You in whatever I face today. 

Leave The Results To God

Keep doing what God has called you to do - and leave the results to Him. He has your name in His book!

Thank You God, when You grant me victory over my enemies.

But also help me to be strong when I fail.

I'm grateful to be in Your family. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Submarine S-81 Isaac Peral

Ahh...I have been told that The Mayor's favorite is Miss Y-C...let it be...I am an introvert and anti-social. In meeting, also not talk about Trade, all about look & feel only... 

Frog Jumper

This Mr. Horton's Secretary pun satu lagi...don't know she is slow kah, don't want to do kah, don't know how to do kah or don't want to take the responsibility...I already done the breakdown allocation a few times already, so I hand over to Mr. Horton's Secretary to do lor, I busy mah...if I no busy, I sure do one, no need to rely on Mr. Horton's Secretary but satu pun tak boleh keluar...I still have to step in and provide solution...   

unparalleled devotion

Yes, my mulut is very busuk this week...ya mah...this Miss Chew only know how to scold & scold and stress & stress everyone to the max, so I told the team that actually hor...Miss Chew need us more that we need Miss Chew...kasi the team memberontak sikit...always know how to bully & degrade us...

Saturday, April 17, 2021

RULE 30: Know Yourself - Strengths & Weaknesses

If you are going to be a Rules Player, you have to be incredibly objective about yourself. A lot of people can’t do this; they can’t turn the spotlight on themselves objectively enough or brightly enough to see themselves as others see them. And it’s not just how others see us; it’s also how we see ourselves. We all carry a mental image of ourselves—what we look like and sound like, what makes us tick; how we work—but how realistic is this image? I think I work creatively and eccentrically; others think I am messy and unorganized. Which is true? Which is the reality? 

To know your strengths and weaknesses, you first have to understand your role—the way you work. I might see being creative as a strength—lots of lovely ideas, no attention to detail, generating new projects rather than seeing them through or actually working on them—surely all these are strengths? Not if I am a Completer or Implementer they’re not; then they are weaknesses. Instead, my strengths would be perseverance, diligence, stickability, predictability, conformity, steadfastness, orderliness—yuk, surely these are weaknesses? You have to know your role before you can make subjective judgments about strengths and weaknesses. 

If in doubt, make lists; that’s what I always say. Write down what you think are your strengths and weaknesses. Show this list to a close friend who you do not work with. Ask for their objective evaluation. Now show it to someone you can trust who you do work with. Is there a difference in their evaluation of how close to the truth you are? Bet there is quite a difference. This is because the special skills you bring to friendships are quite different from the ones you bring to a work relationship. 

This rule is about knowing your strengths and weaknesses; it isn’t necessarily about improving them, eliminating them, working on them, changing them in any way. What we are is what we are, and it is what we have to work with. You may well be disorganized, erratic, unpredictable—is this good or bad? It all depends on your role. You may need to change your role to suit your strengths and weaknesses better. 

A lot of people think that identifying their strengths and weaknesses means they get to lose the bad stuff and only work with the good stuff. Not true. This isn’t therapy. This is the real world. We all have weaknesses. The secret trick is learning to work with them rather than trying to be perfect, which is unrealistic and unproductive. You might be able to find better uses for your weaknesses— but then they would become strengths, wouldn’t they? Think about it.


The Royal Chapel of All Saints

Ursula have loss so much dear Ursula have lupus. Divorced, her eldest daughter is in the US, her former husband a bankrupt now, Ursula have to really take care of her health, secured the job as she continue to put food on the table & clear all the bills.    


Hahaha...yes, I am that little rainbow over there...with Samuel & Mr. Horton's Secretary by my cheer me on, to assist it...or maybe I am that torch...

Samuel loves to lead...really want to lead & take charge...really want people to see Samuel & Samuel's work...want to be the leader to rein in change...but sometimes I see that Samuel can talk but not walk the do I bring out the best in Samuel...

Mr. Horton's Secretary pula - loves attention, can only play the role of highlighting, analytical is her strength, quite investigative too, know how to probe questions, sometimes also slow in decision-making & doing things do I bring out the best of this intel hub ?  

Welsh Brigade Depot

Hahaha...I like Mr. Horton's Secretary commentary on this - G13's Event Team is the only team that don't have to do events...

What happen was - Daun Hijau was launched. But the launch (on-the ground activation) did not involve Erin & Heidi at, I have to give credit to Miss Chew. 50 years old ya...Miss Chew manage everything from A to Z. Persistent, hardworking, her emails came in during midnight, early hours in the morning.

Now, I have no idea why Miss Chew do not want to involve the both of them. Heidi thinks that Miss Chew wants to take the overall credit. I also think so...hahaha...but it has already proven that Miss Chew can handle & manage this event without any help. Their elimination looks imminent. Or, it could be that Miss Chew doesn't like how Erin & Heidi have manage the past events previously, thus Miss Chew would like to control everything by herself.

Samuel actually shed a tear or two for them...yes, very kesian for both Erin & Heidi. Direction-less, doing menial tasks that they are unhappy with...   

Notlaw Storm

Hahaha...I am wondering...whether this Miss Chew got feel insecure because of me...

I like to think that Miss Chew got feel insecure & kuat cemburu too...hahaha...

What happen was, the other day, Miguel & SW was going home, walk pass by our workstation...Sir Terry came along too...commenting something...asking if everything was ok...regarding the promotion...also something along the line...that I was "bad"...causing Sir Terry a heart attack...something like that...Miguel ask me what I did...their voices was loud...Miss Chew was around...was on the phone...talking more want to block them from conversing with me like that...hahaha...I could be wrong lah...usually, people will automatically quiet down & lower their voice mah...a Director walk pass wor...Miss Chew's voice pula went up...hahaha...I will and have the bigger heart in all of this...

Balmoral Nevis

The other day also...both Miss Chew & I had this discussion...Miss Chew disagree with me lah...Miss Chew say she is coming from the Marketing perspective lah...I am coming from the Retailer perspective wor...I jawab balik's a healthy discussion mah...hahaha...I think Miss Chew didn't expect that I will answer back like this...ya the way, the new structure is not out, no deployment, no official announcement, no black &, I will always mention Trade Plan...hahaha...yes, I am very degil...I will officialize it & non-officialize it when I need to...hahaha...

Back to the discussion - actually is like this...GMS punya barang; not all are available in the Supermarket format due to its small size. So, the GMS Team cannot participate in the PWP and Brand/Category Discount which is better to be available in all formats. Miss Chew is of the opinion that these Value Offers which are in the front pages of the Leaflet; best to made available for all; from a customer perspective. But for me, we are depriving the Hypermarket Format who contributes the big chunk of the business from doing trade, from having an exciting range promotions...nonetheless, Miss Chew got give a solution, balik to GMS own the Value Offers from GMS will always be balik-balik the same thing...  

Aberdeenshire 601

A small win...hahaha...

Whenever The Mayor or anyone else lah...I just find that this Miss Chew just have this listening, understanding, interpretation problem...the other Samuel & Samuel also occasionally Miss Chew & mine explanation may not tally or tie-up. And I was quite bother about it...hahaha...takkan lah I also have this problem mah...hahaha...

So, when The Mayor told me to inform the team that they have bonus, I really take note of everything. So, I call up Heidi...mana tahu Miss Chew also does the same thing wor...but the both of us gave Heidi a different number indicator. 

Then, after quite some time, I manage to have the chance to check in with Heidi...and I am correct! Yay! Heidi jawab very fast and spontaneously - so, it's not a pretending act from Heidi. You see lah...Miss Chew as the Head, also can get this all wrong. So, sometimes, because of this Miss Chew have this listening, understanding & interpretation problem, Miss Chew cannot de-brief the team & external vendors properly, Miss Chew cannot connect the dots, cannot understand the concept and always causes many with her rollercoaster emotions, it just make things worst. 

I am also no angel lah too...hahaha...   

The Coyles of Muick

Yes, Sir Terry doesn't like The Mayor very much, Sir Terry have made many comments; from boring to he don't understand the business, he don't know anything to the recent ones - he is a mother fucker...hahaha...I don't know what The Mayor did, whether it was a form of sabotage, cucuk belakang...I have no idea...but I have to say that The Mayor is very savvy & way more street smart compare to Lord Alfonso...when I bring up something to the table, The Mayor know how to kutip and goreng something out... 

"courage, fortitude and faith"

Sir Terry is one of them that will be departing soon...Sir Terry warn me of my Singapore Counterpart; Miss Y-C. Be careful, she is a bitch. 

From what I have gather recently; Miss Y-C have berkomplot with the Singapore Ops Team to bully & torture the Singapore Merchandising Team. Make things very difficult for them. I know that this is what The Mayor & Miss Chew probably want for the Malaysia operations as well. But I am not the type. Meetings should be for alignment purposes, future oriented, a brainstorming session. I don't know how long I can hold it on altogether before Miss Chew starts to step in & to interfere in everything where everything & everyone will be miserable. Because I also know that some buyers also need a good bashing up occasionally to come out with the good competitive lines...hahaha...   

"kindness, humour and humanity"

After the Bonus Payout & Salary Increment announcement was out - a total of 19 people have tendered their resignation. Indeed it is quite alarming. 

Uncle Andy is right - the company no need to VSS, employees will automatically leave...hahaha...  

Mr. Horton's Secretary comment was - perhaps this is the company strategy - to make people leave.

The Commercial Team are very demoralize. They felt that last year; due to the pandemic - it's like Ini Kali Lah where there will be a fat bonus payout and a handsome salary increment for everyone. Mana tahu, the highest bonus payout was only at 1.7 months. Manager and above have no increment. I also feel awful for them & very much blessed at the same time. The way I am doing my work, the quality that I am churning out - The Mayor can take me accountable for it & penalize me to the max. God really sayang me! The Ops Team have a very good payout - but they were the frontliners last year...

Move drama after this... 

A Truck Driver's Hands

While believers in Jesus are called to help others, some have a special capacity to do so. The Apostle Paul calls it the gift of mercy. People with this gift spot needs, rally practical assistance and can even serve over time without getting overwhelmed. Moved by the Holy Spirit, they're the hands of the body of Christ, reaching out to touch our wounds.  

Who's It For?

Hahaha...yes; all Glory to God!

How we respond to praise and honor says a lot about us.

When praise is directed toward others, especially God, stay out of the way. The parade isn't for us.

When the honor is directed toward us, thank the person and then amplify that praise by giving all the glory to Jesus. The water isn't for us either. 

Give thanks, then pour it out before God. 

Missing: Wisdom

This is indeed a prayer that I need to pray:

Solomon, who'd been appointed King by his father David, admitted he felt like a child. God appeared to him in a dream and said - ask for whatever you want me to give you. He replied - I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. God gave Solomon a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.


God, I'm too like a child...I do not know how to navigate on my duties as a Trade Planner. I would like to discharge my duties passionately, honestly, uniting the business & the people in it, building a sustaining business module & community with it, God - do provide me with the guidance, sharpen my wisdom, wits & leadership, work on my intention, fill my jar with oil, deliver the armies, bring in the harvest, give the team the victory, help me to find joy, grace in all of this and allowing me to be me...I am in need of Your Wisdom, Teachings & above all else Love & You!      

God - take over this, take over me. 

Fixing Elevators

So timely...yet so burdenful & hard to execute at times...sigh...

If we treat work as just a means to a wage or other personal benefit, we will soon treat others as annoyances. But if we treat our jobs as opportunities to love, then the most everyday task becomes a holy enterprise. 

Father, a job is never just a job to You but an opportunity to love You and serve others. Help me to see my work as an opportunity to benefit others today. 

In Focus

Charles Spurgeon urged - Keep your eye simply on Him. When we do, we don't see obstacles. We see God, the One who makes our way clear.

Strong to Save

Cham lor...I am working with this mindset...

As long as I still can tolerate (both work & people), I will continue to tolerate...if I have reach a point where I cannot bear it any longer, I will hand in my love letter...if The Mayor wants to VSS or fired I do not have the courage to do so myself because in fear of something...this push factor will perhaps be timely to fix myself and to fill up my life; besides work. I really do pity myself...because work fills up 90% of my entire life...where are my hobbies, interest or passion...I am so kesian...

Hmm...does this propel me to be laidback or to have the courage to do my best, give my best for the overall business picture?