Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Kung Fu Hip-Hop

Ohh…Marcus shared this with me recently…if Celtic likes the supplier, Celtic will go all the way to help the supplier…if Celtic dislike the supplier, Celtic not only will not support; but will also harm the supplier…wah, so dangerous…Mak Tiri complain to Marcus that Celtic talks & drama a lot but no do work…memang pun...always stay close with Stewart; so no need to do so much work…hahaha…according to Marcus, Mak Tiri is a perfectionist…and now Mak Tiri have 2 cats…sigh...don't know when got opportunity to kacau Mak Tiri again...


See…this is why I need to discontinue mixing with Celtic…too much of negativity or jealousy or whatever lah in Celtic…

On my last day…Stewart wants to buy me farewell lunch mah…ask me what I want to have…I say anything lor…people belanja me mah…this Celtic ask me; want to eat shit or not…I replied back, I don’t want to talk you and I walk away…what kind of boss or friend is that…totally lost respect for Celtic…

Then, before Celtic left…of course, I embrace Celtic…Celtic said out so loud…don’t bully Marcus…on purpose or what…

Stewart told me – don’t be a stranger…but this relationship won’t be the same anymore. It’s good that we go our separate ways…I don’t care if Stewart is blind or what…just glad that it’s over…

Stephanie got update me…at the beginning of this month…this Celtic is very eager to go down to the Puchong store; to help the team with the revamping project…when I around, tak muncul pula…only muncul towards the opening date…that one also not helping…walk here and walk there only…if susun barang, not susun the planogram barang pun…she only touch up the promo block; which doesn’t requires much effort because it’s 1 item, 1 block…it only indicates to me that this Celtic wants to avoid doing paper work…lantak lah…not my hal pun

Everybody's Somebody's Favourite

Ohh…this blog is way long overdue…and yes, I miss Mak Tiri…hahaha…no lah, on my last day…I get to hug everyone…except for her lor…shake hand je…no hug hug…OCD kut…hahaha…

Man from Guangdong

2017's Got Nothing on You If You Follow These 20 Tips For Happiness.


By leaving The Japanese…I left Celtic & Stephanie…don’t get me wrong…I have my shortcomings too…I have my flaws, my weaknesses, I am not perfect either…but there is just too much of negativity…I also don’t want to judge…Stephanie is ok; but merajuk tak tentu pasaladoi…Celtic pula; lagi worst…everything the team does, Celtic just sit down & goyang kaki only…I also don’t want our friendship to come to an end like this…but I think for now, it’s good to maintain everything on a casual basis…

Monk Comes Down the Mountain

Hmm…actually I also wonder why Marcus wants me to come in to G13 so early for what…Marcus will only be fully on-board on 1st October… Mr. Horton’s Secretary also can run the whole division without my presence…but it’s also good lah…can bond with Mr. Horton’s Secretary…but she ar…this Mr. Horton’s Secretary can actually run the Press Ad reports but she don’t want…I think lah…inform Marcus & told me that she cannot cope…my foot lah…actually, there is no negative comment on Mr. Horton’s Secretary…but there is also no positive praises as well…she may have some solid strengths…but also have some loop holes…she is not the lazy type like Celtic…just don’t want to do much only…also boleh putar belitkan keadaan as well…very selfish to share…I can only touch her with my sincerity, honesty & genuinty…hahaha…she wants to do the planning part only…don’t want too much ma fan…the other day; I wanted her insights on the Master Calendar…don’t know she don’t want to help me or what…wah; she somehow finds way to delay our discussion…talk out of topic…macam macam lahlantak lah…see how it goes lah…really, sometimes it’s better to start out as a working relationship than evolve into a friendship…otherwise, when you start off as a friend, it’s quite tough when both have different styles of working…don’t know she feel threaten or what…

Journey, Cheer

Actually hor…this Mr. Horton’s Secretary is very capable…way too capable…Mr. Horton’s Secretary can actually run the whole Trade Planning department. No need Marcus on-board. I feel that Marcus and I share the same analysis skills…hahaha…Mr. Horton’s Secretary is really far advance compare to the both of us…can hold good meetings…write excellent meeting minutes…can steadily steer the store walk entire process…good follow-up with everyone...actually; sadly to say…no need meet at all…being here…I really don’t add value into the total portfolio…I only run reports…Mr. Horton’s Secretary run reports & make commentaries somemore…I langsung tak ada…so, even a clerk can also do my job… but these are the soft skills that I want to learn…Mr. Horton’s Secretary’s leadership is really better than Marcus…I’m like a liability here…I also don’t know why Marcus want to hire me…God, please give me a role to play…define my role in this Trade Planning department…otherwise, I will really tenggelam in the ocean…

Duplicate Soul - Duplicate Again

God…sigh…aiyo…I want to mengeluh here…hahaha…I feel so small…feel so inferior…so weak…of little or no use at all…tak berapa guna langsung…this Uncle Andy & Mr. Horton’s Secretary…the both of them is so good with analysis, they have a very strong listening, understanding & articulating skills. I feel like a newbie…start everything from scratch all over again…it’s the same feeling when I was under Ursula…hahaha…but it was not that bad compare to that last time…because I was already a buyer mah…and suddenly I feel that I don’t know that much…but this Trade Planning is my first time…hahaha…well, I’m here to learn!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Navigating Rough Waters

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

Transitions in our lives can be like whitewater experiences. The inevitable leaps from one season of life to the next – college to career, changing jobs, living with parents to living alone or with a spouse, career to retirement, youth to old age – are all marked by uncertainty and insecurity.

In one of the most significant transitions recorded in Old Testament history, Solomon assumed the throne from his father David. I’m sure he was filled with uncertainty about the future. His father advice? Be strong and courageous, and do the work…For the Lord God, my God, is with you.

We’ll have our fair share of tough transitions in life. But with God in our raft we’re not alone. Keeping our eyes on the One who is navigating the rapids bring joy and security. He’s taken lots of others through before.

God guides us through the rapids of change.

The Remedy Of Jealousy

All of us can fall prey to jealousy. King Saul gave in to the green-eyed monster of jealousy when the praise David received exceeded his: Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands! Saul was outraged and from that time on…kept a jealous eye on David. He was so incensed he tried to kill David!

The comparison game is foolish and self-destructive. Someone will always have something we don’t or enjoy experiences different from ours. But God has already given us many blessings, including both life on this earth and the promise of eternal life to all who believe. Depending on His help and focusing on Him in thankfulness can help us to overcome jealousy.

Lord, You have given us life and the promise of life eternal if we trust in You as our Savior. For that – and so many other blessings – we give You praise!

The remedy for jealousy is thankfulness to God.

Not One Sparrow

Heavenly Father, this life can be so hard and painful. But You!...You are right there with us, loving us, keeping us, holding us! And You promise never to leave us or forsake us.

Defending God

It may surprise us to consider that God doesn’t need us to defend Him. He wants us to represent Him! That takes time, work, restraint and love.

Lord, when we are confronted with hate, help us not to be haters but respond as Your Son did >> Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

The best way to defend Jesus is to live like Him.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Ways To Thrive In An Organizational Life

Don’t always run with the pack >> you disappear if you always fall in line. Offer constructive dissent. The key term is constructive. Any fool can poke holes in an idea. It takes forward facing insight to disagree in ways that move the agenda forward. Offer alternative perspectives as long as they support organizational objectives. A great idea that doesn’t move the agenda forward is a wasteful distraction. Avoid coming off as resistant. Focus energy on seizing opportunities, more than solving problems or pointing out fault. Make things better or sit down and be quiet.

Swing you hammer mindfully >> you aren’t worthy to lead if you don’t care about your impact on others. Give voice to your heart in ways that leave the intended impact. Toddlers don’t care how their behaviors affect others. Choose to focus on things you like about people at least 80% of the time. Explain your intentions. Tell people what you’re trying to achieve. Become more transparent with intentions when people use your transparency against you. Stay connected when you feel like pulling away. Evaluate your impact. Check to see if the message they made is the one you sent. Avoid game playing. Choose direct over subtle and honest over manipulative. Turn to the future when addressing issues and solving problems. You’re either oblivious or self-serving if others aren’t part of your operational equation.

Grab the rope & pull with colleagues >> be helpful, as long as it doesn’t distract you from your core responsibilities.

Align with the priorities of leadership >> a great soccer player won’t help the swim team to win. Ask leaders and managers what they’re trying to accomplish. Be sure you know why it matters. Help leaders achieve their objectives, just don’t always run with the pack.

4 Qualities Of Principled Leaders

They are service-orientated >> those striving to be principle-centered see life as a mission, not as a career. Their nurturing sources have armed and prepared them for service. In effect, every morning they ‘yoke up’ and put on the harness of ‘service’, thinking of others.

They radiate positive energy >> cheerful, pleasant, happy, their attitude is optimistic, positive, upbeat. Their spirit is enthusiastic, hopeful, believing.

They are synergistic >> synergy is the state in which the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Principle-centered people are synergistic. They are change catalysts. They improve almost any situation they get into. They work as smart as they work hard. They are amazingly productive, but in new & creative ways. In team endeavors, they build on their strengths and strive to complement their weaknesses with the strength of others.

They believe in other people >> principle-centered people don’t overreact to negative behaviors, criticism or human weakness. They don’t feel built up when they discover the weaknesses of others. They are not naïve; they are aware of their weakness. But they realize that behavior and potential are two different things. They believe in the unseen potential of all people. They feel grateful for their blessings and feel naturally to compassionately forgive and forget the offences of others. They don’t carry grudges. They refuse to label other people, to stereotype, categorize and prejudge.

What Makes A Good Leader Great

Personal Mastery >> is about being incredibly self-aware and knowing how to leverage one’s strengths and minimize or work on weak spots.

Business Mastery >> is the ability to spot opportunities and connect the dots, and to see the bigger picture. Visionary!

Functional Mastery
>> is about having depth & credibility in specified areas, something which can only be developed with time & effort. Skills!

Leadership Mastery >> is about having particular traits and applying decision-making skills into its usage.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Unlighted Paths

The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

After Moses’s death, Joshua inherited leadership of the Israelites and was charged to take God’s chosen people into the Promised Land. Despite his divine commission, Joshua must have felt challenged by the daunting nature of his tasks. God graciously offered Joshua assurance to be with him on the journey ahead.

The road of life often travels through uncharted territory. We voyage through seasons when the path ahead isn’t clearly visible. God’s plan may not always be apparent to us, but He has promised to be with us – always, to the every end of the age. What greater assurance could we hope for, no matter what uncertainty or challenge we might face? Even when the path is unlit, the Light is with us.

Lord, thank You for being near me even when I cannot see You. Please comfort me with Your presence.

God is with us even when we can’t see Him.

…I will power through the Master Calendar project…don’t care if both Uncle Andy & Mr. Horton’s Secretary is very negative about it…don’t care if Marcus is like acuh tak acuh like that…don’t care if there are certain people who is not supportive of it…

Living With Lions

Dear God, give me strength to continue to trust in You when I am discouraged. Help me to experience Your never ending love and stay close to Your side.

Sigh…Marcus; like only want to touch the surface job of Trade Planning…don’t want to go down to the nitty gritty part of it yet… Mr. Horton’s Secretary pula…sigh…don’t want to do more…because she have the expectation that this Trade Planning Department will be dibubarkan soon…and then, what I do; she want to know…and what she do, don’t want to share with me pula…fine…never mind…I will continue to push through…

Monday, September 18, 2017

Marlboro Red Hot Hits: Heat Moves Lalala

Category Management
Education & Training
Analytical, Research, Management
Consultancy & Advisory
Branding, Communication, Marketing, Trade Marketing & Media
…this is what I thought I will be doing in G13’s Trade Planning department…before I join G13 lah

G13 yearly / monthly promo plan
G13 leaflet monitoring (weekly action)
G13 trade plan by category (target) consolidation
G13 promotion assessment / review / ROI
Upscale promotion assessment / review / ROI
…before I join G13, Laura did WatsApp me the organization chart…the above was Mr. Horton’s Secretary ‘s portfolio…

G13 event plan
G13 promotion space allocation
G13 weekly S&M meeting
Communication to Ops
Lead G13 store walk
G13 leaflet brief
…this will be my portfolio…I thought I will be doing Mr. Horton’s Secretary’s portfolio…at that point of time…it was similar to what I thought that I will be doing...I find that Mr. Horton’s Secretary’s portfolio was more significant; I felt that it was what I should be doing…my tasks seems to be very kecil like that…hahaha…however, as this is my second month here…I realize that we are just a seed…The English is like a big tree…so, we need to head into that direction, evolve into that mold…let’s improvise as we move along…

God…I pray to you…please place the Trade Planning department under a very strong leadership…who have the authority & power…please give us the tools to become the tree…who can drive us into that level…let’s grow into a tree…let Marcus, Mr. Horton’s Secretary, Samuel & myself are able to work well together, with trust, with harmony, unitedly. Please ensure that we put the customers & company interest above everything else…

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fred Claus

Liverpool 1 - 1 Burnley
Sigh...balik - balik is the same issue...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Courage >> courage isn’t the absence of fear but the ability to act in spite of fear. Real change happens outside of our comfort zone. So, when you feel fear, rather than to give in to it, move strategically forward in the desired direction.

Radical Responsibility >> stop the blame game. Taking radical responsibility in every situation and taking action towards the world you envision, will drive a proactive mindset of conscious business.

Healthy Anger >> it is needed for you to know what works and doesn’t work in the present moment. For leaders, learning to stay present with anger which denotes something is not okay with you; and then creating an action plan to remedy the problem and establish better working efforts will be a key future skill.

Emotional Intelligence >> need deep emotional awareness and radical empathy skills to behave in a manner that goes beyond self interest.

Sensuousness >> we have been driven by cultural, capitalistic and materialistic forces for a very long time, to the point that we have lost touch with our true nature as human beings. Moving into a state where we experience the world through our senses not only allow for healthy emotional connectedness, but it also means better decisions will be made.

Self-Care >> many of us neglect the care of our physical selves, especially when leading a business or a team. That’s a big mistake. Taking good care of your health is a fundamental skill in building sustainable leadership. Eating a life-enhancing diet and prioritizing regular exercise no matter how crazy your schedule may seem. And don’t neglect sleep – sleep is another foundational physical health skill.

Determination >> being committed to a larger vision helps you handle the hard times and avoid being thrown off by temporary ups and downs. Be a goal digger. Recommit your goal often; daily is preferred and consistently consider how committed you are to reaching this vision. The more committed you are, the likelier your vision will come true.

Vulnerability >> how people who fully embrace vulnerability believe that quality is what makes themselves and others beautiful. Allowing your team to see you as a whole and imperfect person, as well as a role model, will inspire the kind of atmosphere where teams thrive and creativity & innovation flourish.

Risk Tolerance
>> failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Allowing for room to fail is the same as allowing for room to succeed. This seedling space requires creativity, play, trial & error; and thus imperfection.

Playful Curiosity >> seek out potential opportunities and get curious. When conflict arises, approach it from a place of curiosity rather than feeling victimized. First, look inward…how did you cause this situation to happen? Then, look outward and get curious about the other person’s reaction and think about how that person might see the world from a playful attitude. If you can do this, creative solutions will appear in a playful space that is otherwise not available.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Camping Psalms

A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in, is wise enough to watch out for me.

Singing With Violet

Lord, when times are tough, help me to find joy.

Help us to live in the tough times of this world with happiness while looking ahead to something better by far.

When God gives us a new beginning, we find a joy that’s never ending.

The Ministry Of Memory

The Lord is still active in our lives.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Father, thank You for Your plans for us,
And for the future that awaits us in Your love.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The GIG Kingdom

Kee Heong Bak Kut Teh | Taman Eng Ann | Klang

Yes…it was a long holiday weekend…so was meeting everyone up sekali-gus...hahaha...…had lunch with Smallie & Mei Wern…The Japanese complete their moving office…now busy with Puchong store revamping…Derek is park under the SRD team now…yeah, just catching up with these 2 nice people…

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dancing Never Stop, Loving Never Stop, Singing Never Stop

Sudu Mamak & More | Miguel’s House | Desa Park City

So, Tommy came back from Singapore…so, Zurick and I were suppose to meet up with Tommy right…I thought Tommy will be staying in a hotel (previously Tommy was renting)…or maybe staying at Zurick’s place…mana tahu…Tommy bermalam at Miguel’s place wor…I didn’t know that they were that close…yer…that means that the both of them share many information, gossips & secrets lor

Well, we had brunch…Miguel belanja lor

The 3 of them talk a lot…I chip in once in a while…they were talking about online business and something about Zurick & Miguel would like to strike out on their own…part time job; some side income wor...

Zurick can really talk…really turn me off a little…hahaha…I was already feeling reckless…I certainly cannot sit still for long...

I admit to Tommy that Tommy was right…that G13’s Trade Plan is a compiling & chasing people kind-of-job…we are a like a seedling at the moment and need to grow into a tree like The English…Tommy say that it takes time…then Tommy offer me a job…what the…I baru one month on the job leh

Tommy say that I an very free and look so-so only...really meh? That obvious...tipu lah...I think Tommy make a wild guess only...I am easy to read mah...hahaha...I am waiting for God's season & timing ok...

Then Zurick commented that Nixon is very aggressive…then complain a little on Alice…Miguel only say that Alice is just extreme…Miguel really don’t kutuk people…hahaha…

The 3 of them are in their late 30s and early 40s group…so their conversations are a bit heavy for me…or maybe because I am around…so they are talking on such topics; otherwise they like to gossips too…hahaha…

Please Bring My Affection Home

NICSMANN 1940s By Lewre | The Starling Mall
dal.komm Coffee | Damansara Uptown

Hanging out with my favorite team – Miss Klein, Torres & Mel Jag…

Again, another good catching up session…Miss Klein shared on her father’s passing, her current new role at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia…Torres new job application; which Torres eventually got hired…Mel Jag’s worries on the current downsizing exercise that is being undertaken at her company…well, I shared with them that I have went back to G13, exit the buying portfolio…I encourage Mel Jag to learn new skills, skills that can complement & work hand-in-hand with her IT skills…I told Mel Jag; do not be afraid to pick up new learnings…I told them about the case of Jordan, Peggy & Jessica hentaming me teruk-teruk on my trade reporting…I told them; just go all out & try…if fall down, just pick yourself up again…nothing to be ashamed of…I think this is the very first time; that all of us are in such a vulnerable position and we are here to support each other, to watch out for each other…we are able to hold conversations that are close to our heart…we brave the reality together…no one here is superior than the other…we have issues, we encourage each other and we face them together…we grew up together…we stick together…because we are a was such an awesome day! It was definitely one of those pinch me moments, where I was so thankful and grateful to all the lovely, generous and soul-healing people in my life!

Shall I Leave Quietly?

Tom, Dick & Harry’s | Oasis Square | Ara Damansara

Dinner with Victoria last month…lots of catching up…just informed Victoria that I have changed job again…hahaha…then we touch on Victoria’s new project: TodBe…so happy for Victoria that this Baby project have finally manage to kick off…one thing I truly love & adore Victoria; as a friend of course…hahaha…that at the age of 40…Victoria is not boring…Victoria is fun and we both realize that despite our age…where we can be consider to be boring or stagnant…we still like to explore…explore on things that can help us to continue to grow to become better individuals…we read up on stuffs…we learn what is the current trend…everything…it’s good to have found someone…to hold conversations with…to encourage each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

She is Afar Amour

Hmm…who is the mole here? Who is the informant?
What happen was…I volunteer myself to be a part of the…something like a steering committee…for a process refinement project…I did not inform Mr. Horton’s secretary about it…but I don’t know how…somehow she just knew about it…she ask me…and I say yeah…

Uncontrolled Passion

Manchester City shreds Liverpool 5 - 0
Malu betul...

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Duke of Skåne

Then hor…once the Sales & Marketing meeting ends…this Mr. Horton’s Secretary ask me to lead for the Wednesday Store Walk…I honest say lor…I am very scared lor…I am not prepared for it lor…ask her to do it for this round…I will pick it up on the next round lor…then, on Wednesday morning… this Mr. Horton’s Secretary was late…claim that she was stuck in the jam…entah betul ke tak betul…or she sengaja one…so, no choice lor…I have to lead lor…again, I gave a so-so performance lor…I didn’t prepare anything mah…and then, all of the Category Managers was also in attendance…it was really teruk…and I have to jot down the store walk minutes…which I fare badly…

But a few takeaways lah…which boost my confidence a little…hahaha…THANK YOU GOD, PRAISE TO THE LORD, BLESS YOU GOD

I could be wrong…I just have the feeling…when POD look at me twice…POD’s expression…was that POD buys me…

Mr. Horton’s Secretary complimented that I did well wor…hmm…

Then this Jecca…after the store walk…we went and makan breakfast mah…all of a sudden she appear from nowhere and join Stephan, Mr. Horton’s Secretary and myself…Jecca said that I am very similar with Marcus…high positivism…I also mention that I am also very shy…Jecca said that whether I am a loud person or a soft spoken person; people will listen to me…wah, I feel so good…hahaha…meaning that I have the credibility, trustable and convicing…yeah; Tommy got mention before that I am pretty convincing…hahaha…everything goes back to the drawing board right now…sigh...

Duchess of Östergötland

Walau eh…this Mr. Horton’s Secretary…what happen was…on Tuesday; is the Sales & Marketing meeting…yes, I am suppose to chair the meeting; as per my job scope…but at the moment, I did not request to chair it…thinking to wait until Marcus is officially on board first lor…then mana tahu… this Mr. Horton’s Secretary; at the very last minute ask me to lead for the Deepavali Layout…I was so not prepared for it…so, I screw it up lor…full of nerves lor…really…the set of skills that I have gained previously in the Merchandising box really didn’t prepare me for this…really a different set of skills…communication + presentation + facilitation…well, that is why I am here, why I take on this new portfolio...I just have to pick myself up…be more better prepared moving forward lor…sigh…

Countess of Carladès

Tommy: J___ not replying

Zurick: Maybe J___ is busy

Tommy: J___ throwing tantrum lo

Zurick: Maybe busy la…u thinking too much…J___ won’t simply throw tantrum

Me: The place can dress down?

Zurick: Whatever u want…dear

Err…since when the vibes change to this…hahaha…

Wednesday, September 06, 2017


Take The Hit >> a customer gets mad. A vendor complains about poor service. Sometimes, whatever the issue and regardless of who is at fault, some people step in and take the hit. They’re willing to accept the criticism or abuse because they know they can handle it – and they know that maybe, just maybe, the other person can’t. Few acts are more selfless than taking the undeserved hit. And few acts better cement a relationship.

Step In Without Being Asked >> it’s easy to help when you’re asked. Most people will. Very few people offer help before they have been asked, even though most of the time, that is when a little help will make the greatest impact. People who build extraordinary relationships pay close attention so they can tell when others are struggling. Then, they offer to help, but not in a general – is there something I can do to help you? – way. Instead, they come up with specific ways they can help. That way, they can push past the reflexive – no, I’m okay…objections. And they can roll up their sleeves and make a difference in another person’s life. Not because they want to build a better relationship, although that is certainly the result, but simply because they care.

Answer The Question That Is Not Asked >> where relationships are concerned, face value is usually without value. Often people will ask a different question than the one they really want answered. A colleague might ask you whether he should teach a class at a local college; what he really wants to talk about is how to take his life in a different direction. Behind many simple questions is often a larger question that goes unasked. People who build great relationships think about what lies underneath so they can answer that question too.

Know When To Dial It Back >> people who build great relationships know when to have fun and when to be serious, when to be over the top and when to be invisible & when to take charge and when to follow. Great relationships are multifaceted and therefore require multifaceted people willing to adapt to the situation and to the people in that situation.

Prove They Think Of Others >> people who build great relationships don’t just think about other people. They act on those thoughts. One easy way is to give unexpected praise. Everyone loves unexpected praise. Praise helps others feel better about themselves and lets them know you’re thinking about them (which, if you think about it, is flattering in itself). Take a little time every day to do something nice for someone you know, not because you’re expected to but simply because you can. When you do, your relationships improve dramatically.

Realize When They Have Acted Poorly >> most people apologize when their actions or words are called into question. Very few people apologize before they are asked to – or even before anyone notices they should. Responsibility is a key building block of a great relationship. People who take the blame, who say they are sorry and explain why they are sorry, who don’t try to push any of the blame back on the other person – those are people everyone wants in their lives, because they instantly turn a mistake into a bump in the road rather than a permanent roadblock.

Give Consistently, Receive Occasionally >> the person who builds great relationships doesn’t think about what she wants; she starts by thinking about what she can give. She sees giving as the best way to establish a real relationship and a lasting connection. She approached building relationships as if it’s all about the other person and not about her and in the process builds relationships with people who follow the same approach. In time, they make real connections. And in time, they make real friends.

Value The Message By Always Valuing The Messenger >> people who build great relationships never automatically discount the messenger simply because they discount the messenger. They know good advise is good advise, regardless of where it comes from. And they know good people are good people, regardless of their perceived ‘status’.

Start Small…And are Happy To Stay Small >> every relationship, however minor and possibly fleeting, has value. People who build great relationships treat every one of their relationship that way.