Tuesday, June 09, 2020

I'm irrelevant

Ini Samuel betul-betul semakin menyampah setiap hari...asyik want to invite Mr. Horton's Secretary into everything...like this morning, Samuel bagi pendapat...then ask Mr. Horton's Secretary to run report...so, Samuel is the boss now...or I am the boss...hahaha, actually I am also not the boss...sigh...maybe this is the reason why Marcus didn't fully utilize Mr. Horton's Secretary in the first place is because Mr. Horton's Secretary is very picky, want to do selected and meaningful work, where as I am like DBKL; sapu everything...Samuel memang like to lead one...I am just a junior in their eyes...fine lah...you lead all the way you want...last week, I was also very piss off with Samuel, I think Erin & Anis & Samuel feel it too...ya mah...a straight forward yes or no; whether to participate or not...this Samuel go and question me on so many things...in the end, I dismiss Samuel off from attending the meeting...maybe this is the reason why Marcus is also bengang at times with Samuel...never mind lah, want to mengulingkan me, guling lor...

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