Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Judges 2:14-15


We often live in our weakness, ignoring God's presence until all the treads begin to unravel. Then, in our desperation, we call out, praying and begging for Him to intervene and put the pieces back together again. This kind of prayer can be a life-changing experience that turns everything around. Or it can be a shallow, superficial call for help, forgotten as soon as things improve.

The amazing fast is that, no matter how deep our sin or how shallow our prayer, God hears us. Each time His people's call, God hears and intervenes. Not once does He refuse or turn His back. He does not condition His help on their improvement or on their past record, but on their need. The throne we approach in prayer is a throne of grace, where we receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.   

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