Tuesday, December 30, 2008


In a nutshell, my life in 2008 has been 30% gorgeously & amazingly incredible and 70% really hard labor :) Especially in the last 5 months of my life which has been the most intense of all. I think having a job with The French quickly put things into perspective. And re-discovering the buzz that comes from it while enjoying this crazy life at times :)

GOD has crafted many new experiences for me this year – they have been Scary, Beautiful, Mind-numbing torture, Magical, Bleakness, Tender, Precious, Panic, Painful, Mind boggling, Wisdom and Pride moments. Part of me jumped for joy, the other was utterly floored as I choked back the tears. Ah… Such bittersweet colors of my world.

My 2009 Resolution - Enjoy Life, oh...and throw in some work once in a while! :)
Plus Go Fresh - Celebrating Fresh Moments; Keeping Your Life Fresh & Exciting, Being Cool & Staying Cool :)
The idea behind it; is all about being – having the passion to live a balanced, energized & happy life and finding fulfillment in the everyday moments.

As for the 28 Points above – it only meant more responsibilities on my shoulders, but it’s also about building myself in every aspect possible, it’s all about planning for the future...and is all about increasing my personal VALUE. See on how I’m doing in various areas in my life. Take a little time for myself. Concentrate on myself. I don’t mean being self-absorbed or selfish. It’s just for self-improvement :)

No one really knows what to make of this whole mortgage-crisis-credit-crunch-financial-meltdown-political turmoil thingy; so, in the face of these uncertain times - let’s lie low, hibernate and enjoy the pleasures of domesticity. Continuing uncertainty is the only Malaysian certainty :)
Family, Friendship, Good Food, Love & Prayers will get us all through.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped - living the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own, inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary” - unknown.

Happy New Year 2009 :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Yingze :)

May 2009 brings you much happiness