Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy

I think I have recovered from my writer's block :) I didn’t do anything though. So, let’s give it a go. I’m big on blogs. There are several good blogs out there which I frequently visit. I find other people’s lives very fascinating. For me, it’s a way to see the rest of the world through someone else’s eyes (or lens). If I just looked at things in life based on what’s in front of me, I think I would be a frog in a well. Through these blogs, I get to experience a different kind of lifestyle & roles that an individual takes on in the society…see places that I’ve never been to…learn new skills…marvel at the things that other people can do that I can’t…soak myself up with new knowledge & culture…learn how to handle the daily obstacles & the pressures in life…and how to strike a balance & to remember to celebrate life always…the world suddenly becomes a much bigger and a more beautiful place. Even if it’s in the same place, at the same time, someone’s perspective could still be very different from yours. And it’s always worth a look :)

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