Rupa-rupanya, in the entire G13, when it comes to performance appraisal all these years - no one have been rated Significantly Above one told me that, I gave that rating to Mr. Horton's Secretary lor...then The Mayor sounded me lor...mention it's not my fault, but would have prefer that I have discuss this beforehand with The Mayor first...
Then, The Mayor had a session with Mr. Horton's Secretary...I did not expect The Mayor to tell Mr. Horton's Secretary on this incident...saying that it's not Mr. Horton's Secretary fault and is also not my fault as well...what lah...The Mayor have the right to sound me, to remind me not to give such ranking in the future but I don't see the need to share with Mr. Horton's Secretary people only mah...our job is not easy's all on chasing people, eye-ball checking, manual reporting, gate-keeping...week in, week take leave on key dates...consistency throughout...all these work; no one will appreciates and say thank you one...anyway, it's government money...reward it to the max...