Friday, December 23, 2022

Hønefoss videregående skole, Ringerike

Aidan kena again from Miss Chew...

Miss Chew: What's this? Why r u always excluding the subject person in the matter? I am really very unhappy and I just think I should just leave. Regardless the terminology wrong, the creative is also not supposed to be repeating same header on facing ads. That's creative 101...

My opinion - Miss Chew should have just leave and don't come back please. There is so much of peace without Miss Chew being around in the office...the Agency WatsApp chat group also no more bising like pasar...hahaha...

First of all, regarding the above case...Miss Chew ask me to booked a 2-pager press I also book a 2-pager press ad lor...fronting ads format is much cheaper than the 1 bleed format. Plus Miss Chew also did not mention what ad format to booked. Anyway, I am ok if the header are the same...running out of time for output jor though customer will notice anything...dah lah the LPTL lines is also not pushing the needle...

Aidan is stepping in...helping us out...Aidan is very good in bringing everyone together...organize meetings to clarify and understand...Miss Chew never does that... 

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