Monday, July 24, 2023

Judges 16:23 - 28

There is scarcely an individual without a serious blemish. But God is in the business of restoring failures. The spiritually successful Christian is not the person who never fails, but the believer who learns how to accept God's remedy for failure. No matter how far we fall, we never fall beyond the possibility of His forgiveness. But we need to learn from what we have done wrong and lay hold of the forgiveness of God. If we wallow in guilt, turn to self-pity or make excuses, we will be overwhelmed by our failure.

Sometimes, God must strip away everything that keeps us from trusting in Him. It may be a very painful process, but His purpose is not to destroy us; it is to build us up and teach us to trust in Him. God's discipline, designed to produce maturity and restore us to usefulness, is never isolated from His restoration.   

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