Sunday, July 23, 2023

Judges 7:8 - 22

When God calls us to do battle for Him, He always goes before us. In God's grace, we are destined for victory in Jesus. 

We enter into that victory when we learn the lessons of preparation for victory. God does not call us to believe in ourselves or in our own adequacy. Rather, He strips us bare, taking us down to the point where we must depend on Him. Then, in grace, He takes us by the hand and teaches us that we can trust completely in Him. We need to learn the lesson of dependence so that we may move on to learn the lesson of confidence. We learn that we can do nothing without Him. Then we delight to discover that we can rely completely upon Him. Having learned these great lessons, we are prepared for victory.

There is a great lesson here - it is not our responsibility to understand how God is going to keep His word or accomplish His work; our responsibility is to know what He calls us to do and to do it.  

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