Saturday, August 17, 2024

New Vision

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 

God, speaking through the Prophet Isaiah, knew that the Israelites stuck in Babylonian captivity would need a new prescription - and a new view. He told them. I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the wilderness. And His message of hope included the reminders that He had created them, redeemed them and would be with them. You are mine, He encouraged them.

In whatever you're facing today, the Holy Spirit can provide better vision for you to put the old behind you and look for the new. By God's love, it's popping up all around you. Can you see what He's doing in the midst of your pain and bondage? Let's put on our new spiritual glasses to see the new that God is doing even in our wilderness moments.

God of new beginning, Thank You for all Your Promises. Help me to see the new that You bring about even in my wilderness moments.  

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