Sunday, October 15, 2006


It’s been a very long, dull and lame week. I’ve got the letter before the due date but was not disappointed that there were no numbers stated. It’s expected, especially knowing what situation we are in at the moment. Somehow in a very mysterious way, a Guardian appears and is fighting on my behalf that I should receive those extra entitlements. I’m not so sure what the intentions are but after a thorough investigation, cross-checking references…I’m under the impression that I’m sort of being protected in a way for the last 8 months. But this new–found information cannot be publicly known. It will jeopardize the Guardian position and reputation. Exchanging conversations is a no no. I think I will just give a good nod of acknowledgement whenever I passed by the Guardian :) On the surface, it looks like an unlikely alliance but if I trace back, we may share the same roots but different procedures. The Guardian may have found the path; I’m still looking for mine. So I’m looking very jolly of my new discovery and unsure. Sometimes I just need to know. Next week, big things are coming my way. And I’m prepared.

The Director got into a very nasty argument with everyone. So we were not in the mood to party on Friday night to celebrate our Q3. We had a polite dinner together at The Ship. Then we went to the Rush. Tommy, Juan and Nikolai drop out on purpose. Seth, Celtic and Wyatt didn’t even appear for the dinner. So I end up with Damian, Eloise, Stavros, Pietro and Pierre Andre. BORING :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

got my new flute!