Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm just here to scream!

I’ve make a horrible discovery. I’m blank. My skills are not as sharp as it used to be. What was once so natural to me – analyzing, branding, communication, planning, organizing, evaluating – has been totally zerorized. I have been doing less of those since joining Haakon; even though the monetary benefits have serves me well.
This can’t go on…I need a platform to enhance and add value to my skills and knowledge. From a local perspective, I need to go global. From managing a micro task, I need to upgrade myself in handling macro portfolios. I want the exposure and the experience. I’m really scared that at one point, I will lose the ability to use that part of my brain. Or I’ve forgotten how to do it and be a hard-nosed career professional. It’s a very scary thought. I’m aching to go back to do what I love doing. Sigh…I’m creatively frustrated.

And…I think the negative company is not good for my soul. And drawing strength & creating strongholds from other people’s contempt will darken my heart.

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