Saturday, August 24, 2019

Expect Delays

Delays happen.

Solomon never saw a sign that said Expect Delays. But in Proverbs 16, he does contrast our plans with God's providential guidance.

Verse 1: Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word.

Verse 9: We plan our course...the Lord establishes our steps.

In other words, we have ideas about what's supposed to happen, but sometimes God has another path for us.

I make my plans, sometimes forgetting to ask Him what His plans are. I get frustrated when interruptions interfere.

But in place of that worrying, we could, as Solomon teaches, grow in simply trusting that God guides us, step-by-step, as we prayerfully seek Him, await His leading, and yes - allow Him to continually redirect us.

Trade anxiety for trust. God will guide your way.

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