Sunday, April 12, 2009

Great Expectations

Met up with S for lunch today. It was such a pleasure to meet over a glass of steaming hot teh tarik and a plate of mamak maggi mee goreng. We talked a lot about our work, going through the motions of our life and the feeling of frustration, triumphs & all. The good news is that S took a 360 degrees turn in her career. Resigned from HSBC and now taking a full-time course on becoming a teacher! Wow! S is warm, humble, very gracious and kind. I think S will be a great teacher. Inspiring millions. I hope S will one day play a part in re-vamping our country’s education system. Our students must not blindly follow the rules and instructions. They must be independent and not spoon-fed. If we lose our ability to think independently; then we lose our ability to think differently and that is the end of leadership – it’s a pity. Especially in a culture like, say; Malaysia - will know how difficult and painful it is.

To pursue an existing career path - or to explore a career change? To apply to a certain job or not? To leave a job or to wait for a miracle to happen? To accept an opportunity or to find another one? To fight or to move on? To study again - and if yes, which stream? To give an idea a go or to keep things at bay? These are some of the questions and decisions that we’ve been facing. In some situations, the decisions were made for us. In others, we had to agonies over the choices. Decision-making is never easy. Especially if the choices have life-altering consequences. Choosing what to eat for dinner may be a challenge on some evenings. But, it certainly can’t compare to say choosing how to go about a career change. There’s nothing wrong with forging ahead and making sure you get what you want.

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