Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Siamese Dream

Angry…embarrassed…what happen was…today is the Hari Raya Presentation…from the Marketing & the Merchants team…so when it comes to the promo space layout…it was my turn lor…now, here’s the catch…Sir Thomas wants to do some changes…remove the Middle Highway blocks…wants the customers to navigate into the normal bay aisle…fair enough…but in the first place, this Sir Thomas only held internal discussions with the Operation Team, Trade Planning Team was not included…and now…in today’s meeting…Sir Thomas make the comments that he doesn’t agree with it…in front of everybody somemore…of course, it’s not my fault…but…because I presented it…it was my work…whether I am aware about it or not…it was just my slides…I felt like my work has been condemned…I’m like a victim of circumstances…I was nervous for this presentation & prepare for it too...what a waste of my time...God, you know what…I need to get myself into a company that does real Trade Planning work…sigh…but on the other hand, I also know that I am also not ready for the real Trade Planning work…hahaha...

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