Friday, December 25, 2020

Renewed Strength

This is simply mind-blowing. I know that the Bible is relevant even in this modern times, in terms of spiritual food but didn't know that it's so relevant to this extent...

Scripture gives 2 strategies for beating burnout.

In Isaiah 40, the weary soul is renewed when it hopes in the Lord. I needed to rest in God, trusting Him to work, rather than pushing on in my own dwindling strength. And Psalm 103 says God renews us by satisfying our desires with good things. While this includes forgiveness and redemption, provisions of joy and play come from Him too. 

When I reworked my schedule to include more prayer, rest and hobbies like photography, I began to feel healthy again.

Burnout begins with weariness. Let's stop it from going further. We serve others best when our lives include both worship and rest.

Loving God, I want to rise in strength  like the eagle today.  

I trust You to work in my exhausting situation, and receive Your soul-filling gifts with gladness.  

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