Monday, August 30, 2010

you make me writhe with jealousy

The news of the launching of the new Toys Department by the English was all over the place. It was a huge & strong publicity event - it was featured in the English’s latest Hari Raya Catalogue, it was advertised in all of the major newspapers over the weekend, it was kind of–in-your-face-hard-selling-promotion. Danny is shouting to the world that he has arrived and he is here to show you on how to actually run the Toys Department properly. One word: Impressive. The open space layout arrangement was marvelous; all of the retail space that was available was fully utilized to the max, the set-up gives the customers (especially the children) a very modern, educational & fun feel. The assortments were perfect – there is the Flat Price Section, Boys Toys Section (HotWheels, Transformers, Ben 10, Nerf, Bakugan, Ultraman, Flash & Dash, Power Rangers etc), Girls Toys Section (Barbie, My Little Pony & Friends etc), their HouseBrand Toys Section, Family Toys Section (Monopoly, Toy Story 3 etc) and Outdoor Toys. The ID counter was a good idea as well, for the supplier's to highlight their individual domestic & international branding plus it helps to generate additional income. I can see that Danny have done a lot of market & consumer research to conceptualize this new business module that caters to every consumer segment. Danny is very into analyzing what he sees and hears. He notices and remembers every little details. He is very articulate, eloquent and his sentences & expressions are mind blowing. That is why Danny is the best candidate to run the toys business. I finally understand why all of the suppliers & his superiors have always been so supportive of his work. With this new development – I foresee that it will affect our business tremendously. I think that the next category that the English is going to revamp, rebrand & repackage will be Leisure Sports. I will be their next hitting target. I am praying very hard that Rodrigo will not appoint Danny to be in charge of the project :) Otherwise, I am screwed.

On another perspective, the question is; if Danny can do it…..why can’t I? I'm ready! :) I may need to set new goals and revisit on-going ones. Myself...and the categories that I am managing...needs to be evolving with the times too. Have to think outside of the box :)

"You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you" - UnKnown

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