Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cupid At Work

The Opposition Party in this country would conduct spot checks in the Pakatan Rakyat States to curb immoral or sinful activities on Valentine’s Day which is tomorrow. Isn’t that a bit too extreme? Yeah...I should not be so surprised after all. I still don’t understand…how by buying flowers, cards, chocolates or other presents is not appropriate for Muslims, from the perspective of Islam. Please educate and enlighten me.

I find it very unfortunate that certain people take something as light-hearted as Valentine’s Day too seriously; as if there were no other current and more important issues to solve. I strongly believe that most people today celebrate the event just for fun, enjoying the commercial aspect of the day and spending quality time with their girlfriends/boyfriends, husbands/wives & family members to express their love. Honestly, if people are so interested in these immoral activities, it would have been done already and there’s no need to wait until Valentine’s Day to have illegal sex right? Deploying teams to conduct spot checks, distributing brochures and preaching to couples will only instill fear in them and drive them further into seclusion and secrecy. Valentine’s Day is cultural not religious or immoral. So sad to see my country like this. Celebrating Valentine’s Day should not be politicize at all.

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