Sunday, July 14, 2013

Marry into purple

ntv7 #dogoodfeelgood 2013 run – I did a 15KM – within 2 hours – Yay! :)

I also manage to clock my 10KM at 1 hour 16 minutes. I had a very good run. This is my third marathon for the year. I pace myself well. I didn’t drink too much water when I passed by the water stations. I just wet my lips and take in several small sips. I didn’t want to repeat the same mistake where I feel so bloated that I could not run; like what I did in the Malaysia Women Marathon back in April. I run slow, gentle & consistently. A good balance of running and brisk walk. The Sunday air was so crisp and cool. The clear blue skies hovering over 1U was beautiful. Of course, my legs hurt, I was red-faced, huffing and puffing. So yeah, with more consistent training, I think I can do my 21KM next year. The key here is finding the time to train :) I need to run for longer distances and for longer amounts of time. I need to practice and build the stamina without pain or any exhaustion whatsoever. And my new pair of running shoes – gosh I love you guys so much. My whole body feels so much lighter.

I also bumped into Eloise :)

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