Saturday, February 16, 2019

6 Tips to Unwind, Relax and Recharge During Your Vacation from Work

1. Ask a Colleague to Take Over While You’re Away
Advance planning is key to ensuring a truly relaxing and stress-free holiday. Ask a colleague to cover for you while you’re away. Make sure to brief him/her fully the week before you leave for your holiday. This gives you ample time to bring your colleague up to speed on your active projects, besides giving your clients and superiors advance notice about who to contact during your absence.

Ensuring that you have left any ongoing work in capable hands will give you peace of mind to switch off properly during your holiday.

2. Let Your Out-of-Office Reply Take Charge of Your Mailbox
Don’t check your emails when you’re on vacation. Yes, it’s tempting, but don’t. This is what the out-of-office reply is for. Include contact details of your colleague who’s taking over for you while you’re on holiday. This way, anyone looking for assistance will know who to speak to. If you find yourself worrying about work, take a deep breath and remember that it won’t be the end of the world if you don’t check your emails for a week (or however long you’re on holiday for).

3. Switch Off By Staying Active

Lying on a sun-kissed beach without a care in the world might seem like a dream come true, but in reality, an idle brain will look for ways to stay active. This might be why so many people find themselves worrying about work when they’re meant to be relaxing.

Switch off by staying active. Take diving lessons, go for a culinary class, or reconnect with nature by going on a long hike. Do something you’re interested in which will keep your mind and body engaged. New experiences are always fun, besides being a great way to disengage from your daily routine.

4. Pamper Yourself

Go for an aromatherapy massage or book yourself a couple of relaxing spa treatments to soothe and stimulate your senses. What better time to pamper yourself than when you’re on holiday? Make the most of it!

5. Eat Well
You work hard — you deserve to treat yourself to some lovely food while you’re on holiday. Indulge your taste buds; your body will appreciate the nutrition and gastronomic experience. Do you notice how much better you usually feel after having a delicious meal?

6. Explore Your Creativity

Last but not least, creative activity has long been proven to reduce stress and boost self-esteem. A recent study reported by The Huffington Post entitled “Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making” show that “45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent”. Write a book, compose music, draw, make something with your hands — don’t let your doubts stop you from exploring your hidden talents. Don’t let work get in the way of your next holiday. You’ve earned your vacation time. Make the most of it and have a wonderful break!

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