Monday, September 16, 2019

God Is Able

Sometimes, we who face severe trials are tempted to doubt God's ability or availability to help us. We question God's love and power because we have experienced helpless situations where we could not help ourselves or even our loved ones due to our own limitations as mere mortals. But God is not limited like us as He is infinite. With God, nothing is impossible. The problem comes when we insists that God should solve our problems our way instead of His way.

Unless we learn to trust in Him and seek His will, we will certainly set ourselves up for disappointment when we pray and God seems not to answer us the way we want Him to answer. Romans 8:28 is the key promise for us to overcome this problem of lack of faith. It says that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him and those who are called according to His purpose. His answers to our prayers can be either a yes or no or wait. He might use ways like closed doors or delays or He might lead & guide those who are willing to put their trust in Him as signals of His solution to solve the problems in life.

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