Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Headington School

Celaka betul...celaka floor walk, Miss Chew did not hijack the session...but when it comes to another FMCG supplier Hari Raya Roadshow...this Miss Chew pula assign Mr. Horton's Secretary to do the job...hello, itu my kerja lah...confirm, the both of them memang berkomplot...nevermind I big hearted...360 degrees lor...Miss Chew wants each one of us to be versatile mah...Miss Chew email out the scope of work; cc me in...then, the meeting terus I not invited...celaka betul...but lucky Mr. Horton's Secretary got share the outcome of the meeting with me...ok, I be the bigger heart here...I got share with Mr. Horton's Secretary some suggestions on some hiccups that was encounter during the, tengok this Mr. Horton's Secretary ada guna ke tak guna...if got use...see got mention my name or not...then, in the late afternoon...Miss Chew pula invite me for Friday store recee...cis...running people all over the place...problematic... 

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