Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mount St Mary's College

Hahaha...Mr. Horton's Secretary shared with me...Miss Chew sounded Mr. Horton's Secretary - why that day meeting with The Mayor - Mr. Horton's Secretary diam aja...never ask any questions wor...Samuel got asked and I also raised several...I think Miss Chew wants to get rid of want to hijack my portfolio and pass to Mr. Horton's Secretary...want Mr. Horton's Secretary to have one leg in all of my work involvement...Miss Chew wants to push up Mr. Horton's Secretary, so everybody can see Mr. Horton's Secretary...Miss Chew wants to brainwash Mr. Horton's Secretary into it and I think that the both of them are in the same boat and se-memangnya want to berpakat & berkomplot to overthrow me... 

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