Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Torres >> hmm, I don't know. It seems like a complex thing. Liking someone is complex enough already. What it boils down to is that I keep on thinking that the other person deserves someone better than me :(

Grey's Anatomy. Ally McBeal. Neurotic, attractive, professional woman having problems staying in a proper relationships. I'm like them...
Relationships should be easy, but these stupid chick flicks are brainwashing the lot of us. Long ago, life was meant to be live it, meet a guy, then marry him and bears him kids & take care of them. Now with the invasion of Sex In The City & other powerful women-theme-shows-culture; we're doomed to considering every single nostril hair that he sheds before we can even consider saying yes to a date in the first place. And then, even in the process of courtship, we'll spend over four years carefully checking every other suspicions that we have about the possible Mr. Right before gleefully tossing him to the big rubbish dump of Mr. Wrongs that I used to date.

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