Saturday, April 17, 2010

it's my job to make it NOT feel like a job

Press Ad Results:
The Coleman Experience = RM23,611
School Holiday Specials = RM66,966

Yeah, it's bad. I know. Compare to last year. Iron Butterfly ask me to explain...I just went umming and ahhing. I also don't know how to answer. I also don't want to answer. Can I say that my department space has shrunk so much because the top management decides to enlarge the Grocery that is why I don't have the space to do my camping & school holidays display set-up? Can I say that one of the factors that I make less purchase with the supplier this month is to avoid high stock days because you have been nagging me non-stop to do returning because my department stock value is at RM7.5 million? What do you want me to do?! I buy more; you complained that the high purchases leads to a higher stock value. I buy less; you make noise that a reduction in the purchase leads to lesser rebates. I give you sales; you say that the entry margin is very slim. When I ensure that the margin is healthy, you demand more sales. The nature of my department items are different. I can't give you sales, double-digit margin and healthy stock days all at the same time. I can't balance that. Get someone else who is better than me to do this job. This job and Iron Butterfly is dreadful and terrible. Everything is. The whole world is a miserable place.

The sales are down compare to the last year Press Ad but my margins are better this year, healthier, double-digits growth with improvement compare to last year. My other categories have also shown significant margin improvements. I am pumping in profits, profitability value. But Iron Butterfly didn't see that, didn't even lift a praise on me :(

What am I supposed to do now - to feel like I've accomplished something?
Do I need to accomplish something?

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