Saturday, April 03, 2010

my keeper

Rufus, Natalie & myself had a very tough March Closing...we went through a very rough night together. The pain is really unbearable. Totally and utterly insane. But thank GOD, we manage to close it; minus RM25K short.
Natalie & myself will have to endure and face all of these alone in the coming months as Rufus is officially in the HardLiner's team now :( I will suffer the most as I have the slimest of the back margins. The feeling is like I take that 60 feet dive into the abyss and let the pacific ocean envelop me. I'm crying in the inside right now. If things really do get out of hand, out of control...worst come to worst, I just go and hide at Haakon's camp first :) There will definitely be days better than the others (I know)...and there will also be days where I wish never existed...which is month-end Closing Day :(

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