Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Benefits Of Worship

Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

To glorify God - that's worship!

To enjoy Him forever - that's the all encompassing reward that includes these specific benefits:

Forgiveness >> true worshippers recognize God's holiness and accept His forgiveness. Through worship they are purified.

Guidance >> those who honor God will be given wisdom and will receive His guidance day by day. 

Provision >> Jesus said that God will meet our material needs if we give Him first place in our lives.

Love >> the love of God is experienced in the hearts of all those who are true worshippers.

Power >> to all who give God the glory He deserves, He gives the enablement to do things He requires of them.

Protection >> He faithfully watches over all who acknowledge Him, and He keeps them in all of life's changing circumstances.

Glory >> all true worshippers will one day be glorified. They'll inherit a new heaven and a new earth and join a company of believers and angels in perfect, uninterrupted worship.  

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