Saturday, August 05, 2023

Bergen High School of Commerce, Bergen

 ...hmm...Samuel reveals a little bit about Samuel's character the other day...according to Samuel, Samuel is fiercely competitive, likes to be outstanding since young and do get jealous easily when comparison are being made...hahaha...I find the jealousy part...was indirectly pointing at me...well; I'm doing the Mass portfolio together with Mr. Horton's Secretary where as Samuel is fully in charge for the Upscale category...of course, due to the business proportion ratio where Mass is 80% vs Upscale 20% - all of the cross-functional division will emphasize more on Mass than Upscale...I guess, when at times...when our fellow colleagues tend to make the comparison unconsciously...let's follow the Mass way, why cannot follow Mass's process...Samuel may have felt...yeah jealous, not acknowledging Samuel's capabilities...offended perhaps... 

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