Sunday, November 01, 2009

True Renaissance Soul

Lately, there has been too many office politics going around - mainly coming from Celtic, Trix, Stewart and Matte-Marit. I just go with my own style :) No one can really tell me to do this or that - I have to be true to myself and do things at my own speed. Moreover, it's important not to model behaviors you didn't like or that you don't feel right because that's what ultimately gives you ulcers and heart attacks :)

Right now, I don't expect anything anymore. I just do my thing. Whatever they want to comment; be it positive or problem. I take in the compliments and try to improve from their critism. This is what I call professional :) I'm not like some people who merajuk and in denial. Or like some people who like to blow a small mistakes into a big proportion. And yet these mistakes will not necessarily stain my reputations or dash my career aspirations.

I think by handling top-priority task well and getting the word out to the right people, my ocassional missteps will be overlooked :) I learn to live with the mistakes that I have made and learn to move on.

Soldiering on as best as I can; as fearless as my heart deems possible....with GOD looking out for me, my family in my hands and my dear friends on my back, it's solid ground I'm standing on. I thank GOD for putting where I am today, for shaping who I am all those hardship stages, difficult times and trying moments - GOD have ensure that I pull through each time and that I manage to sustain everything.

Life is going great! Although a little hazy :)

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