Sunday, April 15, 2018

Virtue alone is unconquered

Feedback from Sir Thomas on my Press Ad Sales Results…not user friendly, data is not robust, numbers are not dynamic, there is no call for action, there is no top of mind, it’s not visually impactful…fine…I’m no analyst either…here’s the thing…both Sörenstam & Marcus are clueless about Trade Planning…they don’t know what the scope is all about…Marcus keeps on doing the remeh-temeh part...I think Uncle Andy, Mr. Horton’s Secretary, Samuel & myself does know…but here’s the thing…we cannot be seen to be overwriting the authorities…Uncle Andy and Mr. Horton’s Secretary don’t want to do the heavier work as well…everything want to outsource...for them, if it can be delegated; delegate as much as possible...Samuel pula take on everything...sigh…but I have to say…for the past 2 weeks…the Store Walk Revamp, the S&M Meeting Revamp, the Promo Charter, the Promo Theme Evaluation…did sort of inject some excitement back into my life…hmm…I don’t mind to do the heavier work…just need the extra effort to convince Marcus & nudge Marcus to the other side without being seen as having any personal agenda…hahaha…being a buyer; it's about putting off the fire on a daily basis…Trade Planning is about looking at the bigger picture of things, at a higher level, doing the priorities; not what is important…

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