Saturday, August 29, 2020

Kicky Perry


I have not look at this angle in such a way before...I don't like Miss Chew...just a mirror image of Alice. Nonetheless, I will pray for Miss Chew. Maybe I should have done this earlier when I was under Alice...hahaha...

God, I pray for Miss Chew - I pray that she will change, I pray that God you will move her to be more approachable, more kind, more supportive to the team. She is damn rude, fickle minded, jump on the gun easily...I hope that she will change and peace will reign over the Marketing Department. There is just too many negative energy lingering around. No matter how much she back stab me behind my back, or talk bad about me in front of everyone, or condemn me, or spoil my image...I will not fight fire with fire...God, you will deal with her, and I will be still because God will clear everything up in due time. As long as my intention is clear, I go to the office to work every day for the betterment of everyone, be of value to everyone, it is good enough.

God, I also pray for the Mayor, may You lead him well so he can lead the team well, so he knows on how to drive the ship.


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