Saturday, August 29, 2020

RULE 28: Set Objectives

An objective is a simple one-sentence mission statement that you can use to get you through your day. It is almost impossible to be successful or to get promoted if you don’t set objectives.

An objective outlines the key important ingredients in your work recipe. Suppose you have a meeting to go to. Now we all hate meetings—they are interminable, boring, unproductive, counter-productive—and an endless source of irritation and argument. You know that Stephen from accounts is going to be there and will endeavor—usually successfully—to wind you up. You know you’ll get sidetracked and end up discussing the relocation to Swindon when it doesn’t even affect your department. You know you’ll end up discussing budgets for the exhibition stand when that’s six months away and it hasn’t even been decided that you’re going to take a stand at the NEC this year. 

So, set an objective: “I will speak only on matters I know about and understand and are relevant to me at this meeting, and no matter what Stephen does, I shall not rise to the bait.” Good. Now stick to it.

Suppose you have to present a report to the Finance Committee about the new costs of the wildflower meadow to go in front of head office’s new buildings. You know the Finance Committee can waffle on for hours about irrelevant topics such as whether it is better to have oxeye daises or marsh buttercups, and all you need to do is present them with the cost of seeds, mowing equipment, and haymaking provisions without getting caught up in the minutiae of which flower is most attractive in spring. 

So, set an objective: “I will present my report and, once comments have been made, will make my excuses and leave. If the committee insist on discussing matters that are irrelevant to my being there I shall assertively point this out and leave.” Good. Now stick to it.

Use an objective for every area of your working life. Objectives take but seconds, but they do help highlight 

• What is wrong 

• Solutions to what is wrong 

• Action to be taken to correct what is wrong 

• Ways to prevent the problem recurring


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