Wednesday, March 30, 2016


The other day…while having lunch with Stewart, Celtic & Stephanie…Stewart told me that Harriet wants to revamp the whole department downstairs and Harriet would like to ask for my opinion about it…I replied back, that the most important thing is that Stewart gives Harriet the green light. Then Stewart ask me how I see the stationery category right now…right now, I see it as a department for children, colorful, lively, alive. Stewart comment back that different individual have different perspective. Stewart was more looking into A4 Papers & Pens. In my humble opinion…A4 Papers is already there…price have to be competitive and frequent exposure. Pens are essential items, just make sure that there is no out of stock situation. To drive the sales right now; what is needed is the right assortment. Look at all of the suppliers…all of them are into color scheme these days. Stationery is essential cum lifestyle right now.

In the afternoon, Harriet did ask me whether I am free or not, Harriet want to ask me something. Of course, I already know in my heart what Harriet want to ask me…but as I was so busy, I told Harriet later. Then, after that I didn’t go and find Harriet already.

Today, during lunch time, I also bump into Harriet at the Food Court, then Harriet got mention that Harriet actually want to ask me regarding the revamp. Apparently both Stewart & Jonas already given the green light for Harriet to proceed but Harriet would like to have my input since I did that department before.

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