Wednesday, May 11, 2016

You First

I am so angry with Celtic today…Stewart need us to do the Sales Analysis…this Celtic can say somemore that Celtic is helping me to do it…and that everyone say that Celtic pampers me. Hello…excuse me…you are the Division Manager…aren’t you suppose to do it. Somemore, this Celtic says that this analysis is such a boring job, so Celtic does it for me. I told Celtic back…by right I am supposed to do that sales analysis part and not doing paperwork. Not filing up forms! Celaka betul. Then, this Celtic said that I can curi – curi give the paper work to Fify & Wayne to do…I sounded Celtic back…did you inform them or not…otherwise it is not appropriate as the instructions were not given from the top…and both Fify & Wayne will not be happy about it. See…whatever Stewart mention the other day…about me being overloaded lah…get Wayne to help with the paper work…tak jadi one. Celtic is also lazy to do all of the paper work lah. Celtic can do the Cloth Upkeep family in 1 week’s time…why didn’t Celtic step in and help me to do the rest of the category fixers as well. The more we get it done, the more area we cover, the quicker we are, the better it is. The data already shows that the promotion participation weight already outdone the normal participation weight…thus the common assortment is urgently need to be address as well…this Celtic…go and do ad hoc promotion. Yes, we must get in the sales but the common assortment fix-up cannot also be ignore as well. If it’s not because of Alice…I won’t join The Japanese as well. Somemore like to show off Celtic’s car…the house…the other half…I think Celtic is the one who is so insecure and need to tell the whole world in order to have that superiority feeling. I really pity Celtic.

Anyway…I know that Stewart will stand at Celtic’s side. During the confirmation one-to-one…if have lah…I won’t bring this up unless Stewart bring it up…I know…I just have to manage my own frustration and pace myself better.

Anyway…I am the problem lah…I just cannot adapt & adjust lah

When quarrels and disagreements occur, we can often diffuse them by giving up our right to be right. Humility calls us to show grace and gentleness when we would rather insists on our way.

Always I am the one who have to compromise and tolerate and give way. Arrgghhh...

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