Sunday, June 08, 2014


There are a lot of sarcasm in Ursula these days – ok, I get the message loud & clear. I am trying my very best here, I am struggling, I am not a good juggler (like Jonas), I have to do Stationery, Books & Seasonal, I am not quick enough, I doesn’t have much common sense in me, I do not think enough, I am not street-smart enough, I am not business savvy enough…what else? I may be sad, I may be in denial, I may be offended…but tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow I will bounce back and try to do my best all over again. I’m past all of the shock, trauma & anger stage. I know that all of my previous bosses have been very kind, loving & generous to me. Ursula is the evil one here, but she is pointing me to the right direction. Yes, yes, life moves fast. So, I will stop whining about it and enjoy the journey! I guess for me, I’ll try to glow with excitement every day. I’m tackling new stuffs, new projects, new friendships, new social settings, need to work harder on my work portfolio, to be a better individual. I’m going to be continuously to be challenged by responsibilities, independence, decision making and self-discipline. I want to learn & grow. I want to be better. I’m just a big kid who likes to play :)

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