Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Map Drawn

The recent flash floods in the East Coast states is really bad.
I really feel for those who have been lost, and for those who have survived. We, who make a living in the urban area already complaining and making noises about the high cost of the standard of living in the city…but how about these people now…who have lost everything in 1 day. Imagine that. Their house, their car, their assets, their everything.

Sigh…how lucky I am. Most of us take the world that we live in for granted.
I won’t pretend to be a Good Samaritan. Because I’m not. I try to help which ever way that is possible. So, Small Ham & I went to TUDM in Bukit Jelutong to volunteer ourselves. We help to pack provisions into boxes, we folded & separate the clothes…it was a bit chaotic, unorganized over there but we chip in whatever we can. I was also very disappointed on how the whole processes are being managed. It just shows the incompetency of our government officials at work again. I mean come on…these are military people…they are suppose to be the best war strategist than the civilians and yet they do not have the common sense on how to manage the floor. No floor manager was in sight to coordinate the whole flow. And these armies are fat. Yes, they are supposed to be bulky but not fat. I mean, how are they going to protect our country when we are in war.

I’m usually very critical but I am more forgiving about this issue because Malaysia is still the best country to live in right now…compare to elsewhere where there are one disaster after another.

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