Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who’s At The Centre?

I am not at the centre of the universe.
The world doesn’t revolve around me.
It doesn’t move at my pace, in my terms, nor in accord with my preferences.
Though we might wish it to be otherwise, life is not all about us. Everything revolves around the Lord. All nature revolves around Him and His control. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the ocean in vast reservoirs. Everything in nature operates in accordance with the laws He has set. The nations also revolve around the Lord. No plan or scheme can stand up against God’s. Ultimately, it is the Lord’s plan that will stand forever. His intentions can never shaken. Finally, the lives of all humanity revolve around the Lord. God sees the whole human race. He made our hearts, and He understands everything we do. And He has the power to intervene in our lives and deliver us from situations spinning out of control. Our life is created to be centered on God, not self. How thankful we can be to serve such a powerful God, who has every aspect of our lives under His control.

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